

In Canton, Van Zandt County, Texas, the local time when you fetched this page was:

(At least it was according to the US Naval Observatory.)

This site has been been under construction for a number of years and, hopefully, will be so for many years to come. Perhaps I'll find time in the future to give it the attention it deserves. For the present, other information on this site is consuming all of my extra time.

The Father, Bobby Sanders,' Links - some references that I like and/or use often - some of which are now broken, but which will be either fixed or removed sometime in the future.

The Mother, Jean Sanders' Links. (Not ready yet and probably never will be. She has some wonderful stories about her childhood, but won't give me permission to publish them here.)

The Son, Sam Sanders' Links. (When I get the time, I'll share all about my wonderful son, Sam.)

The Daughter, Cindy McAllister's Links. Cindy now has her own web site. She has decided to become an Internet entrepreneur. You can check out her first efforts in this new venture at McAllister's Business Opportunities. Perhaps she will place some of her writings, poems, etc. either here or there, someday.

The Son-in-Law, James McAllister's Links. (James is a firefighter paramedic. I expect him to put together a bunch of stuff for his part of this site, but, so far, nothing.)

James' Son. Justin McAllister's Home. (Justin is heavy into on line gaming. Join his group and help him conquer the world!)

James' Son, Scott McAllister's Links. (Scott hasn't shown much interest in Internet nonsense yet, but, if he does, this space is ready for him.)

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To avoid address mining, no contact links appear on this page. However, all communications to this site are redirected to me. Can you "put 2 and 2 together?"

Last modified: Sat May 18 18:39:10 CDT 2002